I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving weekend. Mine was full of family and friends, including a high school reunion and my birthday, which gave me lots to be thankful for as I was surrounded by so much love and good energy, which I have to say I’ve needed badly since the election results became known a few weeks ago. After having several good conversations last week, I spent a good amount of time noodling on some thoughts and ideas about Roots Camp. This upcoming week must be our go-no-go decision. Candidly, we’re leaning heavily into the GO. But a few key things will have to be done for us to lock in. We want to ensure that our politics are done well and secure enough funding to make it a success. Oh - and we need to confirm the exact dates. Currently, we’re looking at plus or minus a week or so around MLK weekend, which also happens to be the inauguration he, whose name I cannot speak of right now.
Last week, we hosted an organizing call for which 42 people registered, 22 showed up, and 80 registered for these updates, so there is some enthusiasm for bringing back RootsCamp in person.
Also, we’re leaning toward doing it in Baltimore at a venue that, because it is right next to BWI, can be a great location for folks in the DMV and easily accessible nationally.
This will truly take a village to pull off successfully, including a team of dedicated staff and volunteers.
Assuming we go forward, we’ve drafted an RFP to solicit help for the event.
I’m happy to host a weekly call for folks interested in keeping up with our planning and joining the effort. This week, we’ll do it tomorrow, Tuesday, December 3rd, at 4 pm ET. Here is the link to register.
That is it for now, but stay tuned for more updates this week!
Below is the Otter AI Summary from our meeting in case you missed it:
Amy Pritchard, founder of GAIN Power, led a meeting to discuss reviving Roots Camp, a post-election conference for progressive organizers. The meeting included 15 participants: Steph Noguera, Executive Director of GAIN Power, and Rebecca Thompson from Repower. Key points included the need for a lead organizer, potential venues like NEA or Baltimore, and the importance of a hybrid or in-person event. The 2020 virtual event cost nearly $200,000, with significant expenses in staffing and technology. The group discussed the potential for a decentralized approach to local events and emphasized the need for a clear timeline and financial planning.
Action Items
[ ] @Amy Pritchard - Reach out to NEA to inquire about availability and costs for hosting the event.
[ ] @Amy Pritchard - Create a spreadsheet with contact information for the meeting participants.
[ ] @Amy Pritchard - Schedule a follow-up call, potentially next Tuesday, for participants to share their commitments in terms of time, money, or other contributions.
[ ] @Amy Pritchard—If the "central" ROOTSCAMP event is to be singular, aim to have a confirmed date and venue by the end of next week.
[ ] Explore the possibility of a decentralized, regional approach to ROOTSCAMP with a sub-working group to discuss the feasibility.
Introductions and Initial Context
Amy Pritchard introduces herself as the call's organizer and mentions that the meeting is being recorded for note-taking and follow-up.
Amy Pritchard requests introductions from the participants, including their names, organizations, and experience with Roots Camp.
Steph Noguera introduces herself as the Executive Director of Game Power and expresses her interest in organizing another Roots Camp.
Doug Foote shares his digital strategist background and his attendance at Roots Camp events.
Doyle Canning explains her interest in Roots Camp, having discovered it through a LinkedIn thread and her current consulting work.
Participant Introductions Continue
Rebecca Thompson introduces herself as the new Managing Director of Strategic Initiatives at Repower and expresses her interest in the intersection of Roots Camp and Camp Repower.
Billy Wimsatt expresses his excitement for the event and his willingness to help with fundraising and attendance.
Caleb Michael introduces himself as Digital Director at New America and shares his past attendance at Roots Camp in 2010.
Sharon Solomon introduces herself as a Virginia Data Director and shares her enthusiasm for Roots Camp and her willingness to contribute to planning.
Jessica Tully introduces herself as a cultural worker and long-time fan of Roots Camp, expressing her interest in being involved.
Further Introductions and Context
Syamala Krishnamsetty introduces herself as a voter protection worker for the Michigan Democratic Party and shares her nostalgia for Roots Camp.
Natalie Rojas introduces herself as part of Jess Grinnin's firm and expresses her interest in supporting Roots Camp.
Natalie Stockard introduces herself as someone with project coordination experience and her interest in finding an encore career in Democratic-leaning functions.
Irene Lin introduces herself as someone with experience in rural and agriculture outreach and her desire to ensure inclusive spaces at Roots Camp.
Josh Uretsky shares his positive experiences at Roots Camp and his interest in the event's structure and content.
Discussion on Roots Camp History and Structure
Amy Pritchard provides a brief history of Roots Camp, mentioning its origins with Judith Freeman and Zach Exley at NOI and its evolution.
Amy Pritchard explains Roots Camp's unique structure as an unconference with no pre-set agenda, allowing participants to create their own sessions.
Amy Pritchard mentions the transition of Roots Camp to Wellstone and Re:Power, and GAIN Power's role in organizing the last virtual Roots Camp in 2020.
Amy Pritchard highlights the financial aspects of organizing Roots Camp, noting the significant staffing and technology costs.
Rebecca Thompson expresses her excitement about Roots Camp's potential and the importance of creating safe spaces for marginalized groups.
Planning and Logistics for Future Roots Camp
Amy Pritchard discusses the need to decide on the location and timing for the next Roots Camp, considering the logistical challenges and financial constraints.
Amy Pritchard suggests January as a possible timeline for the event, given the post-election context and the need for a debrief.
Elana Levin suggests exploring hybrid options to make the event more accessible and less expensive, while maintaining the in-person social aspect.
Sharon Solomon and Doug Foote discuss the benefits of holding the event in Baltimore or Virginia, considering the affordability and accessibility of these locations.
Caleb Michael emphasizes the importance of identifying a lead person or organization to take on the responsibility of organizing the event.
Potential Venues and Decentralized Approach
Amy Pritchard and Steph Noguera discuss the possibility of using NEA as a venue, given its past success and the availability of breakout rooms.
Elana Levin suggests a hybrid model with online sessions and in-person social hours to manage costs and accessibility.
Caleb Michael proposes a decentralized approach, with local organizing committees handling the logistics and reducing the burden on a single organizer.
Amy Pritchard agrees with the decentralized approach and suggests creating a format for local organizing committees to follow.
The group discusses the potential challenges and benefits of a decentralized model, including the need for vetting and coordination.
Next Steps and Action Items
Amy Pritchard outlines the next steps, including contacting potential venues, writing a job description for a lead organizer, and creating a spreadsheet of participants and their commitments.
The group agrees to reconvene weekly to discuss progress and make further decisions on the event's location, timing, and structure.
Caleb Michael suggests forming a sub-working group to explore the decentralized approach and report to the larger group.
Amy Pritchard emphasizes the importance of community and the value of Roots Camp in providing a supportive space for participants.
The meeting concludes with a commitment to follow up and continue planning for the next Roots Camp event.